We did visit a couple antique shops, one of which was an old lumber yard building. After doing some browsing, we ate at a small establishment called the Silver K Cafe. What a delightful little cafe with excellent food and service. Best part was absolutely wonderful key lime pie - it was absolutely delicious. Worth another trip over just to have the pie!!!
On our way back to Kingsland we stopped at the Exotic Zoo between Johnson City and Marble Falls. It is set on 137 acres with over 500 animals, most of which were exotic breeds of deer, gazelles and lots of emus and ostrich. It is a guided tour while you ride in a large wagon pulled behind a tractor. We learned so much information about the animals, such as most deer family members only have upper teeth so they really cannot bite you. Did anyone know that? Also springtime is when lots of new babies are being born. We were impressed that so many of the animals have recently had new little ones. There is one species of India deer that produces 1 set of twins every year, one female and one male. Now what are the odds of that happening - very interesting fact, I think. We wanted to share a few photos we took during the tour.
This is a baby buffalo born Wednesday morning a 7 a.m. She is a bit shy and momma didn't let her move around too much.
had individual markings, no two exactly alike.
It was such a fun day. We were back home by about 5 p.m. so we could attend a pot luck. One of the guests here at the Resort cooked up some homemade gumbo and cornbread for everyone. Really was delicious. After everybody ate, a few of us played penny ante poker. I think Dee was the only loser as she did not win 1 hand all evening. She was glad we didn't play past 9 o'clock.