These two photos were taken today of 2 varieties of cacti in the area. The blossoms are absolutely gorgeous right now. The huge yuccas are blooming as well, along with one of my favorite, the ocatilla (aka whip cactus).
The temperatures here have been all over the place, 2 days in the low 90's at the first of the week and now about 68-69 degrees the last 2 days with overnight temps in the high 30's. Really weird to run A/C and then some heat at night. At least we weren't in any of the latest tornado paths.
Work here has been very pleasant, 2 days work and then we have 6 days off. Office stays busy for Dee and Larry is out and about taking care of laundry room, rec room, and escort/security. There are 6 different RV groups coming into Alpine next month so telephone reservations are hectic. Groups range from 6 rvs to up to 30 rvs. Most of them are Good Sams or FMCA. One group is all women rv'ers.
The hail storm on Easter damaged one of our slide awnings so Larry is ordering replacement vinyl this week. The Manager's husband here at the Park can install the new awning for us while we are here. Larry also will replace one of the hinges on a kitchen cabinet door as soon as we get a replacement for it. Hopefully we can find one in Fort Davis tomorrow.
Saturday evening is Larry's birthday party so we're having ice cream and cake for him. I've made up the card bingo sets so we can play bingo at the party. It will be for big stakes, a penny a person for each game! If you lose all 10 games you're out 10 cents. In Mesa we always played a dime a game so the potential winnings per game was at least $1 a game with ten people. Should be fun, doesn't matter the stakes.
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