Monday, July 26, 2010

Time Flies By

Tomorrow we leave Childress and head for Albuquerque, NM so we can pick up our daughter at the airport. She is flying in to spend a few days in Raton, NM to attend her 30th high school reunion. First time she has been back to Raton for a reunion. She also has a work-related seminar to attend in Albuq. on Thursday.

We'll drive up to Raton on Friday and stay through Sunday and then return to Abuq. so she can catch her flight out on Tuesday back to Portland. Hope to see some of our friends in Raton that we've known over the years while we are there.

We've had a great time in Childress staying at our friend's "campground" (rv accommodations in their backyard with full hookups). Played some bridge with former bridge groups and got a lot of visiting done. Larry got 1 new RV tire installed for motor home. Pretty soon all of them will be new tires. Seems like they wear out more being parked not being used than wearing out traveling. Hard to figure out how that happens but it does.

That's all for now.

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