On January 12th we went to see Vickie Lawrence and her show was great. She just comes out and tells stories about herself and her life and some of the incidents she's been involved in, especially funny about some of the times on the Carol Burnett Show. She sang her medley of her one hit "When the Lights Went Out in Georgia" that her 1st husband wrote. The last 1/3rd of her show was in character as "Mama". What a grand time she has dressed as an old lady. She pretty much says anything she wants and really pokes fun at the seniors. We loved every minute of it as did the rest of the audience.

This is our fifth day of rain and we're starting to have webs between our toes! Last night there were even tornado watches/warnings around the county with 3 spotted out in the surrounding area. I haven't paid too much attention to the weather reports today so don't think there were any injuries or deaths. The annual antique car auction is this weekend and the autos were being held in large tents and some of them received damages because the tents collapsed on the cars. Most of the auto owners aren't real happy about it! Can't imagine why. We do have a little sunshine today but another storm will roll in Sunday. At least we're not close to Flagstaff as they have had 3' (yes, that is 3 feet) of really heavy snowfall with more coming down all the time.
We were scheduled to go to Quartzite, AZ on the 18th but rain prevented that side trip - sure didn't want to be at an outdoor RV show in the rain, especially after driving 150 miles one way to get there.
Larry has been playing poker 2-3 times a week and has been holding his own. It's a nickle, dime, quarter game so not much money is involved. One of the guys that plays regularly is 91 and Larry says he's a pretty good poker player.
I stay busy playing bridge 3 times a week, pinochle and cribbage. Also started Mah Jongg and Scrabble once a week. My skills at Scrabble are not up to par as I haven't played in a very long time but one of the players loaded a Hasbro Scrabble game on my computer that has about 10 levels of play on it so I can sharpen up my game. These players are mostly Canadian and play a very tough, competitive game. They like to win! My game is very laid back compared to theirs.
All of the outdoor activity has been temporarily suspended because everything is under 3 feet of water - tennis, racket ball, pickle ball, shuffleboard, boccie, etc. So there are a lot of die-hard athletes doing a lot of hanging around. Patio activities have been moved into the main events hall so that involves more work for us because we do the set up for them. Over 300 people moved to the hall yesterday afternoon for the Manager's monthly party - live music, free food & beer. It kept a lot of Seniors off the streets in bad driving conditions anyway.
Hope the weather is better where you are and that all is going good so far into 2010. We've had some sad news about two of our friends. One of my classmate's husband passed away on New Years Day (Jan was a bridesmaid at our wedding 50 years ago). They had been married 35 years. My former boss in NM banking remarried about 3 years ago after being divorced close to 25 years and her husband passed away in December. Both are going to be greatly missed. Enjoy your loved ones and give them a hug whenever possible because we never know what tomorrow brings.